
Creosote and soot build-up in your fireplace or wood stove chimney can be a fire hazard. We offer products to help reduce creosote.


Protect your chimney from the top down with CownSeal and ChimneySaver, an effective solution to water intrusion.


Keep heat and energy in while you keep rain (and animals) out with an effective damper system.


Flashing is material at the base of chimneys, stacks, and vents that is designed to waterproof the juncture where they penetrate the roof.


We have the solution to rough, deteriorated, and uninsulated  chambers smoke chambers.


Water damage can be prevented. Chimneys are highly exposed to the elements and if left unprotected are susceptible to structural deterioration.


Functional and pleasing to the eye, just place these heatshields in any fireplace for additional heat and safety.

Chase Covers

Everguard covers look great and offer superior protection from moisture and it’s associated problems.


Keep unwanted moisture from your chimney, along with leaves sticks, and other debris


For new construction or renovation work, here’s a fireplace that requires no foundation or footings.

Contact Us

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Connecticut Chimney Sweep & Restoration Co., LLC

768 Southington Road
Berlin, CT 06037

Toll-Free: 1-866-49-SWEEP (79337) (860) 828-0756

Staffed Office Waiting For Your Calls!
Calls are taken Monday-Friday. . Messages on weekends are checked regularly.